Toni Zendran
Toni started her career in the financial industry in 2017, without it even being on her radar. Her path started with studies in design and photography at MacEwan University in 2012, after which she found herself enjoying working with clients and building relationships in the finance world. These skills that she developed in her previous employment are further nurtured with the team at Wiart Pearson Akle & Associates, as Toni has the opportunity to work even more closely with clients.
Toni’s focus as the client experience consultant is on ensuring clients are well taken care of before, during, and after their interactions with the team. She’s also heavily relied on for compliance due diligence and coordination of client files. And finally, to allow for her creativity to shine through, Toni’s also the team’s design expert when it comes to many of the meeting and marketing elements.
To unwind, Toni thoroughly enjoys photography and she specializes in boudoir, weddings, and other “out-of-the-box” projects that present themselves to her. She loves foraging for mushrooms and other plant life in the grand Alberta woodlands, canning jams, and pickling snacks.